Sweet Baby Jack...

I've known Emilie and Eric...for, I don't know, like forever? I was so excited when they contacted me to do their family photos. Sweet baby Jack didn't so much as whimper the entire shoot, even after I moved him a bazillion times trying to get his sweet face in a shot. He worked his little tongue like mad...and grinned up a storm when his daddy made silly noises (so did those around us in the park...). I enjoyed working with you guys! Enjoy...








jennifer said...

Love this family! You did a great job, Amy!!!

Yvonne said...

Oh my! That first image is AMAZING! Love everything about it!

My Public Service Announcement

Just a quick little reminder that all photos I take, produce, print or post
are copywrited and property of The Polka Dot Daisy.
Please play fair and don't in any way copy, steal or "oops! how did THAT end up on my home computer".
I may not prosecute, but I will be really, really mad...(and I'm not sure which is worse!)

be nice - don't copy!

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